Posh With Purpose

I’ve been debating about writing why I Posh in the first place. Even as a college graduate, I had always been more interested in the visual creativity of fashion vs. the analytical creativity side that I got lost in. It was never a question of if I was talented, but who was going to give me a chance to show my visual creativity. So many bumps and bruises along the way, but I finally feel like I’m right where I need to be. Here’s my story:

There’s a huge difference between what you’re good at and what you enjoy. It wasn’t even until my junior year in college that I was told the title for the role I was interested in…..Styling. I’ve been misnamed as a designer on several occasions, and that’s absolutely NOT what I do lol! Just to clear up any confusion, I’m the person in charge of dressing an individual, not constructing the garments.

Once I finished school, I immediately began working at Abercrombie & Fitch as a visual manager after completing their training program. While I thought the role was fun, I still lacked the freedom to be visually creative. I enjoyed making sure the store presentation was top notch, however, I wanted to be in charge of the direction it would go rather than getting corporate instructions to follow (Just as a side note that’s typically how it went. Corporate sends out what they want you to create and your job is to execute).

It wasn’t long before I decided to leave the sales floor and go join in the corporate ranks and attempt to be more in charge of visuals on what I thought at the time was a more impactful level.

The next part of my journey landed me in a trainee program at J.C. Penney. While my overall goal to be a stylist remained the same, I initially started off working as an Inventory Analyst for their catalog and internet. Even though inventory analyzation was no where near close to what I wanted to do, I thought at least getting my foot in the door would help my journey along the way.

I. WAS. WRONG. Most places want someone who is going to have a lot of tenure and experience before jumping into the creative direction of a company, neither of which I had at the time. I watched myself be moved from team to team, role to different role, going further away from what I initially came to do.

I watched helplessly from the sidelines while others seemed to enjoy their jobs to no end. Why couldn’t I be like that? Why couldn’t I be satisfied? Why was I so particular and picky?? I started to doubt myself. I started to think maybe because I was good at analyzing inventory, I should just shut up and enjoy it. Even when I got promoted to my second role within the company as an Internet Execution Specialist, Styling was still an itch I needed to scratch.

I ended up scaling back on the financial side of things to take up a job at Forever 21 as an actual stylist. I had plenty of outside experience from interning at places like Nordstrom and a wedding dress boutique. I even did some styling on the side to keep me visually sharp.

The experience at F21 was refreshing. I had a bit more freedom in how styling and presentation went. However, on a personal note and opinion, there were too many rules that just stomped out my little fire. After working for a month I felt burnt out and almost worse about myself to the extent I wanted to leave retail all together!

I gathered my bearings and made my way to an eventually retail-less role. I was fed up with rules, politics, computer screens, and talk about stuff I really didn’t care about. I was over the drama, the meetings, the “customers always right” quotes…I had had ENOUGH!

I think in a way I needed to get to that place because my final Hail Mary attempt came way back in 2014 when I took a job at Pier One Corporate as an Allocator (literally the same thing I did at JCP except I allocated for stores).

Everything was wrong with me, not the job. I tried to force myself to be a corporate gal. I tried and failed miserably. After only 10 months, I threw in the towel and my gracious husband let me be a stay at home wife while I figured it all out.

It took me a while, but I finally realized that I DID still enjoy retail, just not the way it had traditionally gone for me. I also realized I wanted to be way more in charge than I had been. I wanted to take the risk, call the shots, and truly see what I could do.

This is where Poshmark came into play and why I enjoy Poshing so much. I decide how to style an item, I set my price, I promote, I sell, and I do it all again and I LOVE it. It allows me enough freedom to push myself and challenge my thoughts on how I make retail work for me. It’s fun, frustrating, and time consuming, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

All I have is a tiny corner in our home and that’s all I need. In a way, I wouldn’t be here without all the other experiences I’ve had so I am thankful for that.

In closing, I’d like to end with a partial quote from the song in Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella:

“In my own little corner, In my own little chair, I can be whatever I want to be…”

Happy Poshing ❤️ Kim

6 thoughts on “Posh With Purpose

  1. Hi, Kim! I loved today’s post and really enjoyed how raw and honest you were in sharing all sorts of ups and downs as a working woman. If you don’t mind me asking- what did you study in college? As a teenager what did you envision doing as an adult? As a teenager myself I am so curious to know- thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow, thank you so much! It’s always a risk going rouge honest. I’m glad it spoke to you, that makes it worth it :D.

      So in college I studied fashion merchandising. That’s a long way from what I had planned to initially study in high school which was accounting. It took one of my junior college counselors giving me a career assessment that literally said “don’t be an accountant” lol!

      And then when I was a teenage I really envisioned myself being more of an artist type. I enjoyed sketching, painting, and stuff like that. How about you? You’re very stylish. What do you see yourself going into career wise?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That sounds super cool! If I could do it over again, I would have studied in LA or NYC where there’s more opportunities for visual roles or got in early at a modeling agency so I could have styled from that approach, but you live and learn. I think as long as you stick to your guns and don’t get lost in what others want you to do, you’ll have the best shot at doing what you love no matter which major you pick 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Can I just say you’re Awesome? I feel the same way. I studied Fashion Merchandising as well. I am unsure about a lot of things. I’m tired of the rules in retail and I just want to do my own stuff. I just started on Poshmark, so reading your blog is pretty helpful. Thanks for sharing. You’re a Boss.


    1. Aw I’m so glad I could be helpful! I think retail would be so much more fun if there were less strict rules. But as long as Posh is around, I’ll let that be my creative outlet 😊 Thanks for reading 😁


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